Serving the local church
As much as ever, our hearts are for discipleship and leadership training. Kellen currently has two ministry roles he is serving in. He is serving as the President of Central African Preaching Academy (CAPA), a member school of The Master's Academy International (TMAI). CAPA is primarily focused on pastoral training, seeking to strengthen the church by equipping faithful men for leadership in the church. Kellen oversees the school, and works closely with a team of local pastors who help provide leadership and faculty instruction for the school. As a Pastor/Elder at International Bible Fellowship Church (IBF) he is also busy with teaching/preaching, various shepherding meetings, coordinating ministry programs, and providing oversight to the body. Becca is very busy homeschooling the kids (and teaching at the homeschool co-op), helping to lead women's ministry at IBF, and investing in women throughout the week.
For more information about CAPA and TMAI, please visit these websites:
For more information about CAPA and TMAI, please visit these websites: